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Students can earn Amazon gift cards participating in online Evidence Based Alcohol and Drug Prevention Programs
ONE ( 1 ) GIFT CARD PER STUDENT PER PROGRAM Requires Parent/Guardian Consent
The media and other external influences play a large role in shaping our perceptions. Through a thoughtful analysis, students learn to recognize and challenge these influences.
Substance Use and Misuse Overview
Cannabis Use & Misuse: Understanding & Prevention
Understanding Fentanyl Misuse: Prevent & Respond to Overdose
Understanding Opioid Misuse: Preventing & Responding to Overdose
Decision-making about choosing not to drink. Develop strategies for standing up to peer pressure to drink and challenge peer drinking perceptions.
Facts and information regarding the effect of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs on the brain and body. Recognize that consequences of drug use are just as likely to happen to them as they are to someone else. Identify ways to decline and avoid alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
Decision-making about choosing not to drink. Develop strategies for standing up to peer pressure to drink and challenge peer drinking perceptions.
Substance Use and Misuse Overview
Cannabis Use & Misuse: Understanding & Prevention
Understanding Fentanyl Misuse: Prevent & Respond to Overdose
Understanding Opioid Misuse: Preventing & Responding to Overdose
Decision-making about choosing not to drink.
Alcohol Use: Getting Support
Media and Social Influence on Alcohol Use
Understanding Alcohol and Its Effects
Parents of Middle or High School Students
participating in the All Stars Prevention Program
Parent-Wise helps increase parent awareness about current issues that teens are facing. The course provides skills training for helping teens navigate through this transitional period in their lives. Becoming aware of destructive behavior can be an important initial step for parents helping teens making a change. Parent-Wise guides parents through the process of making an action plan using effective anger and stress management skills. Parents will learn conflict resolution strategies and other life skills to diffuse anger triggers and to train teens to better manage their behavior and emotions.
Responsible Vendor Training
RVT gives business owners, managers, and staff that serve alcohol knowledge and skills to serve alcohol responsibly and fulfill the legal requirements.
(1) Eliminate the sale of alcoholic beverages to, and consumption of alcoholic beverages by underage persons.
(2) Reduce intoxication-related accidents, injuries, and deaths in the state.
(3) Encourage alcoholic beverage vendors and their employees to prevent drug activity on their premises.
(4) Encourage alcoholic beverage vendors to be prudent in their serving practices and to restrict the sanctions that may be imposed in administrative proceedings against those vendors who comply with responsible practices in accordance with this act.
Be Above Bullying- Kindness feels good too, is a Social Norming Campaign with a goal of raising awareness among 5th through 9th grade students that being a bully isn’t the norm and doesn’t make you feel good for very long. Bullying can affect everyone- those who are bullied, those who bully, and those who witness bullying. Bullying is linked to many negative outcomes including impacts on mental health, substance use, and suicide, (SAMHSA). Kids who bully are more likely to have substance abuse problems and get in trouble with police. Working with students to decrease bullying behaviors and acts of violence against one another can improve the lives of our youth. Bullying can be prevented especially when the community works together. NO ONE deserves to be bullied. EVERYONE deserves kindness.
I STEER CLEAR is a research-based social norming campaign that works to reduce the number of drivers who are driving while under the influence. Did you know...
Read and follow all warning labels before driving and note that warnings against “operating heavy machinery” include driving a vehicle. Impaired drivers can’t accurately assess their own impairment – which is why no one should drive after using any impairing substances. Remember: If you feel different, you drive different. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
No One's House is a Safe Place for Teen Drinking is a comprehensive social norming campaign that works to reduce the number of parents in a community who are providing teens with alcohol and/or allowing teens to drink in their homes. Some parents have the belief that letting teens drink under their roof is “safe drinking”, but when it comes to teens, there is no safe drinking. Providing teens with alcohol or allowing teen drinking in your home is not only against the law, is also against the beliefs of many parents. Teen drinking is the cause of a series of adverse effects including motor vehicle crashes, risky sexual behaviors, accidental deaths, decreased school performance, brain impairment, economic costs to communities, and more.
Talk to your teens!
Use your influence. Data shows that teens continue to care what their parents think, even while they are in high school and college. Let your teen know that you don’t want them to drink and that most teens in fact don’t drink.
In addition to talking to your teen:
Support your teen. Having a trusting relationship can help prevent your teen from experimenting with alcohol. Spend time together and make it easy for your teen to talk to you. Know your teen's activities. Pay attention to your teen's plans and whereabouts. Encourage participation in supervised after-school and weekend activities. Establish rules and consequences. Rules might include leaving parties where alcohol is served and not riding in a car with a driver who's been drinking. Agree on the consequences of breaking the rules ahead of time — and enforce them.
Did You Know?
Sending a letter or any inscribed communication that threatens them or another member of their family with death or bodily injury is a second-degree felony. This includes any written threat in the form of note, text message, e-mail, instant message, social media message and any other form of electronic transfer.
Possession of prescription drug without a prescription for that medication is a second-degree misdemeanor. This would include antibiotics, headache medication, and stomach medication-everything given by prescription. It is illegal to possess or share someone else’s prescription medication, especially psychotropic drugs.
To download the booklet in Spanish or Creole, scroll to the bottom of the page for the pdf.
(Sir-o-sis) of the liver describes a condition where scar tissue gradually replaces healthy liver cells, which can lead to liver failure. The most common cause is heavy alcohol use. Drinking too much alcohol for years on end raises your risk of cirrhosis.
Drinking is associated with a number of health problems and can make certain chronic health problems worse. Half of liver disease deaths in the United States are caused by alcohol, and alcohol-associated liver disease is increasing, particularly among women and young people. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Your liver has over 500 roles and is the largest solid organ in your body. It cleans your blood. It produces an important digestive liquid called bile. It stores energy in the form of a sugar called glycogen.
Basically, you can't live without it.
Cirrhosis can lead to serious complications. It is the most advanced type of alcohol-related liver disease and the damage is irreversible. However, abstinence may improve symptoms and prevent further damage.